Saturday, September 20, 2008

An update

Well - Its been ages since we posted anything and so much has happened!

We have cropped 180kg of potatoes which most are being stored in Thierry's cellar.

Today I picked a few hundred onions and shallots and some garlic

We are eating lots of green peppers - not quite warm enough here for them to turn red:(

The fruit bushes have all taken well so we are looking forward to raspberries and gooseberries next year.

It's still warm and sunny so i hope the carrots I planted at the end of August will grow ok. If it gets too cold I will get out the polytunnel for protection.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Anyone for tennis?

Mario decided we needed to have a lawn - so here it is! He is also going to build a table so we can sit on the lawn and just - enjoy!

A new gnome on the block!

Someone has delivered a shiny new gnome to our shed - no idea who it is though!!

We have also been eating first early potatoes, spinach, lettuce and radish.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

some more pictures of our plot with new veggies

Here are a few more pics. We found a

great use for this white thing up the dump whilst we were foraging for pallets to make a compost bin. Ready made or what?

Brussel sprouts have been transplanted and ready for winter - have to get a fence to keep the bloody deer and wild boar out though! they munched the lot last winter:(

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hooray! It's stopped raining!!

Hooray! It's stopped raining!!

At last - the weather we have been waiting for - sun. And lots of it.
Currently 28 degrees and forecast the same for the next week. I think our summer has finally arrived here in the Pyrenees.

I have been rummaging for new potatoes and the Amandine crop are producing some nice sized ones already. It's great to be able to dig up your dinner:)

The tomatoes are looking a bit sad but hopefully a few more days sun wil getthem going again.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Rain rain rain rain rain!

We moved here to live in the sun but all it has done since the 16 May is bloody rain!!!!!

If we don't get sun soon we will suffer from what you had in England last year and our crops will die:(
The tomatoes are looking very sorry for themselves, potatoes are starting to get fed up and peppers are struggling too. I think I may have to build and ark in preparation for our escape!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Here are another few photos. We have finished the shed! Everybody who passes stops to take a look and compliment us. Mario and me did a grand job!

The onions are really coming on now and also the potatoes. I found my first spud today!
I shall cook it carefully and eat with a little butter. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!